Frequently Asked Questions

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Information for Neighbor Island Members

How does ShipToHawaii air freight work for the Neighbor Islands?
Once packages arrive in Honolulu for Neighbor Island members, our warehouse staff generates United States Postal Service (USPS) Priority mailing labels for your packages and each package is then mailed to your door.

Why is your air freight service different for the Neighbor Islands?
ShipToHawaii's air freight partner does not own warehouse space on all the Neighbor Islands. As a result ShipToHawaii is unable to offer the same will call service that is available on Oahu. The USPS offers reliable delivery to the Neighbor Islands at an affordable price.

Will I still save money to the Neighbor Islands using your air freight service?
Yes, in most instances. By consolidating your packages with other Hawaii bound freight in Inglewood, you still receive the reduced rates from Inglewood to Honolulu. Because your package is being inserted into the postal system within the state of Hawaii and not the mainland, ShipToHawaii has effectively mailed your package to you locally, skipping all mainland postal zones, which saves you money. Please use our shipping calculator to determine your actual charges.

How long does it take to receive my package air freight?
The maximum time to receive a package on the Neighbor Islands once the package has been received in Inglewood is 7 business days. The average time will be roughly 4 business days once a package is received in Inglewood.

How are costs calculated on the Neighbor Islands?
Unfortunately, due to the varying rate schedule of the United States Postal Service, ShipToHawaii is unable to offer a flat rate per pound to the Neighbor Islands. The only way to calculate package costs with ShipToHawaii is by using the Shipping Calculator on our website.

How are air freight packages tracked?
All Neighbor Island members will receive an email announcement once their package arrives in Inglewood. Neighbor Island members can log into their ShipToHawaii account and track their shipments once it has been received by us. If a package does not arrive in a timely manner, please contact ShipToHawaii and we can use the USPS tracking number to determine its status.

What are the package size restrictions for the Neighbor Islands?
Since ShipToHawaii is using the United States Postal Service to distribute packages to the Neighbor Islands we are bound by USPS guidelines. We can ship the following:

Priority Mail
Packages cannot exceed 70 lbs. and length plus girth can be no longer than 108 inches. There will be a two to three day delivery time to the Neighbor Islands from Honolulu.

Parcel Post
Packages that do not exceed 70 lbs. and length plus girth are greater than 108 inches, but less than 130 inches will be sent Parcel Post. In addition, the package length must not exceed 108 inches. There will be a seven to ten day delivery time to the Neighbor Islands from Honolulu.

How is length plus girth calculated?

image depicting package and associated measurement

For example let’s say your package has the following dimensions:

Length = 24”
Width = 12”
Height = 12”
Actual Weight = 50lbs

Length + Width + Height + Width + Height = inches
24" + 12" + 12" + 12" + 12" = 72 inches

Can you ship packages to the neighbor islands that are larger than 70 lbs. and length plus girth is greater than 130 inches?
Yes. Packages that weigh more than 70 lbs and/or length plus girth is greater than 130 inches cannot be mailed using the USPS. However, our air freight provider has air freight services to the Neighbor Islands. Larger packages can be flown from Honolulu to the Neighbor Islands and made available at a local agent location. Please email or call us for a quote.

In addition, an item that is considered oversized for the USPS may qualify for ocean freight services. Please call or email us for more information.

How long does it take to receive my package when it is shipped ocean freight?
For members located on a Neighbor Island, the maximum wait time once a package is received in Gardena is 15 business days. Ocean shipments are sent every Saturday.

When an ocean freight shipment is available for pick up, a ShipToHawaii representative will call and email you regarding availability and will call location.

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